How Old Is Old Enough For “Youg Girls To Wear Makeup”?

This moring as I was driving my 17 year old daughter to school I was listening to the topic on the radio about how old should a young girl be before she starts wearig makeup?  Well the answers surprised me a bit one caller, a male said he thinks when she’s ready a young girl can wear makeup, naturally he doesn’t have a girl.  Another caller called in who was 20 said she’d been wearing makeup sic the age of 13 and that because of the early age wearing of makeup she is self-conscience about leaving the house without makeup on because every women in her family wore makeup at an early age.  A third caller called said her child was a 7th grader and she said at the orientation there were many 11-13 year old wearing makeup and that she told her daughter if she caught her wearig makeup she would strangle her.  Well when my daughter was in elementary school in third grade I remember the first day of school and the principal was standing on the steps of the entrance of the school and she looked over every student that came in the building.  I was quite stricken by how many young girls were dress provocatively with tight skirts and tight dresses and oh yeah lots and lots of makeup.  This principal (a female) turn back at least a dozen girls due to either the tight skirts or the excessive makeup they were wearing.  the next day you should’ve seen the parents as they sent their little darlings up those steps and yes believe it or not some of those same girls still did not make the cut.  the answer came when some of the mothers got out of their vehicles and needless to say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.  They too were young (around 20 -30 years of age) and very hoochie to say the least.  One D.J. said something that was very profound he said that to allow your child to dress and look older than what they are increases the risk of having a pedafile seek these little girls out immediately.  It is no wonder that these children are running around believing that sex is the key to get what you want at an early age.  With T.V. that brodcast reality shows that prostitute young women looking for love in scandalalous clothes parading around half naked.  Kids tend to watch what there parents are watching and that lies half the problem.  Mother’s are younger and yet a lot of little girls are being brought up without there fathers so they don’t seem to have any male role models to look up to.  We as a people and a nation must do what little part we can to represent ourselves in a positve role and responsible adults whenever we are around young minds no matter if its family or a stranger it is our opportunity to let our light shine in their little world.  All kids resemble what they hear or what they see and if your watching all those shows that portray women in a negative way the Stop It Now!  Lets try and be better parents and better guardians by not letting kids into our adult world.  It should be character and actions that kids look up to and not Kim Kardashian or Brittney Spears or Lady Gaga.  Come on folks lets get our act together before our kids are ready to take their show on the road which reflects how they were raise ad who did the parenting…

About hardliquer

I'm a 44 year old bartender/mixologist who's been mixing it up for over 20 years. I'm opening up a bartendig school just outside of Atlanta, Ga, and I love teaching aspiring bartenders all over the metro area the true art form of becoming a professional bartender. my goal now is to educate the consumer on aquiring the best of the best in alcholic purchasing and consumption with my new endeavor hardliquer. HAPPY HOUR 2-U!!
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